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David Nemer

University of Virginia

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David Nemer é professor da University of Virginia (EUA) no Departamento de Estudos de Mídias (Media Studies) e no programa de Estudos Latino Americanos. Ele também é um pesquisador afiliado ao Brazil Lab na Princeton University. Nemer é graduado em Ciência da Computação pela FAESA e Administração pela UFES. Possui mestrado em Antropologia pela University of Virginia, EUA e Ciência da Computação pela Universität des Saarlandes, Alemanha. Nemer tem PhD em Computação, Cultura e Sociedade pela Indiana University, EUA. Ele é autor dos livros 'Favela Digital: O outro lado da tecnologia' (GSA, 2013) e 'Technology of the Oppressed: Inequity and the digital mundane in Favelas of Brazil' (MIT Press, previsto em 2021). Publica nas revistas acadêmicas: Gender, Technology and Development, Information Technology for Development, AI & Society, The Journal of Community Informatics, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, entre outros.

Publicações selecionadas:

ICTD Research in Latin America: literature review, scholar feedback, and recommendations.

In: Information Technology for Development, 26(4), 692-710. 

Algorithmic Democracy: The future of democracy and the fight against digital militias in Brazil / Democracia Algorítmica: O futuro da democracia e o combate às milícias digitais no Brasil. In: Legal Cultures Magazine, 7(17).

Living in the Broken City: Infrastructural Inequity, Uncertainty, and the Materiality of the Digital in the Favelas of Brazil. In: D. Ribes & J. Vertesi (Eds.), digitalSTS: A Handbook and

Fieldguide. Princeton University Press. 

Reproducing hierarchies or resisting domination: exploring the gendering of technology spaces in the favelas. In: Gender, Technology and Development, 20(1), 76-92. 

If it Rains, Ask Grandma to Disconnect the Nano: Maintenance & Care in Havana's StreetNet. In: PACM: Human-Computer Interaction: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW). 

Rethinking MOOCs: The Promises for Better Education in India. In: International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD), 11(1),  36-50.


Repensando as Desigualdades Digitais: as promessas da Web 2.0 para os Marginalizados. In: Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, 15(35). 

Wired mobile phones: the case of community technology centers in favelas of Brazil. In: Information Technology for Development, 24(3). 461-481. 

Going beyond the “T” in “CTC”: Social Practice as Care in Community Technology Centers In: Information, 9(6). 135. 

Political Engagement and ICTs: Internet Use in Marginalized Communities. In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 68(6). 1539-1550.

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